New Managing Director Appointed for Killgerm Scandinavia

Killgerm Group announced Martin Nilsson has been promoted the new managing director for Killgerm Scandinavia, effective Sept. 1.

martin nillson killgerm scandanavia
Martin Nilsson (left) and Per Nilsson
Credit: Killgerm Scandanavia

Killgerm Group announced Martin Nilsson has been promoted the new managing director for Killgerm Scandinavia, effective Sept. 1.

Nilsson started working for Killgerm Scandinavia (formerly Milluck AB) 14 years ago, and he has been instrumental in supporting the company's Scandinavian customers on several fronts over those years. Nilsson has an intimate knowledge of the current operations in Scandinavia, and his appointment will bring a new focus and impetus to the future growth of the Killgerm operations in the region, the company said.

Rupert Broome, group managing director of Killgerm Group, said “Martin has been a key part of our Scandinavian operations for many years and he has impressed with his dedication and enthusiasm to drive Killgerm Scandinavia to the next level. Martin has the support of all the Killgerm family to help him to achieve his goals."In return, Martin said “I am delighted that my skills have been recognized within the Killgerm family and I have great ambitions for our Killgerm Scandinavian operations over the next few years.”

Martin ilsson is taking over the role of managing director from his father, Per Nilsson. Milluck AB was formed by Per in 2007. In 2019, Milluck became part of the Killgerm family of operations, joining Europe’s largest
network of suppliers to the professional pest control sector.

Although Nilsson is now taking on the responsibility for leading Killgerm Scandinavia, Per remains an important support role for Nilsson within the business, ensuring that continuity and excellent service remains at the heart of everything which Killgerm Scandinavia does.