Massey Services: Growth Through Acquisition

Every Massey Services acquisitions follows the same strategy, which includes adding termite services to the newly acquired company if they weren't already in place.

Editor's Note: The following story was written by Amy Chapman, national account manager at Corteva Agriscience.

The Massey family has always been forward thinkers. The early commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has led Massey Services to regularly conduct research and testing of everything from new service approaches to new business practices. 

Much of its innovation has helped the company establish itself as a leader in the industry. For instance, in 1990 Massey Services changed its service and training protocols, shifting its services from traditional pest control to a pest prevention approach long before the industry-wide shift toward integrated pest management. 

In 2007, the company developed and launched a bed bug heat remediation program that enabled faster turnaround time and the elimination of bed bugs at all stages of life, from egg to adult. This treatment is now widely used in the pest control industry. 

That innovative thinking has helped fuel the steady growth of Massey Services through mergers and acquisitions. 

“Our first acquisition was in 1988,” said Tony Massey, president and CEO of Massey Services. “At the time, we didn’t have a footprint in the north Florida market, and the Jacksonville area was an attractive area where we wanted to do business.” 

Since that initial acquisition of Porter Pest Control in Orange Park, Fla., Massey Services has acquired a total of 45 companies at last count. The acquisitions have grown the Massey footprint from four Florida-based service centers in 1985 to 180 service centers across Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee in 2023. The company added Virginia and Tennessee just recently, and overall, there were seven company acquisitions in the last year. 

Finding the Right Fit. Every acquisition has followed a similar strategy. First, the Massey team identifies markets where they want to enhance market penetration and route density/efficiency. Then, they look for companies that have a similar culture. 

“We want all team members and customers we acquire to continue with Massey Services, so it’s important that they understand and share our same values,” Massey said. 

Many companies that Massey purchases offer general pest control as their predominant service. Because termite protection is critical for any home or business in all markets the company services, Massey begins offering termite protection immediately after the purchase. The company offers several termite solutions, including the Sentricon® system, liquid termiticide and borate pretreatments.

The newly added termite protection helps the company build stronger relationships with acquired customers while bringing in additional revenue. 

“Termite protection is our most profitable business, so it does play an important role in the decision-making process,” Massey said. 

The addition of termite control has been successful because customers know and trust the pest service they’re already receiving, so termite control adds an extra layer of protection that allows the Massey team to visit the property one more time per year. 

“We also include a guarantee that covers both the structure and the contents of the home, so if a home is damaged by termites while under our care, we’ll pay if it fails,” Massey said. “The Sentricon system is highly effective and we trust it to protect our customers’ homes.”   

Keeping those newly acquired customers requires care and clear communication to help them understand what will and will not change under the new ownership. 

After each acquisition, the Massey team notifies newly acquired customers about the changes and assures them that their contracts and guarantees will not change. That communication also shares what new services are now available. To further encourage the purchase of additional services including termite protection, the Massey team sends another communication a few months later that offers special pricing. 

Beyond Market Growth. Beyond growing the company’s footprint and expanding its customer base, the strategy has also added quality team members. 

“We have retained a large portion of our team members and customers from each acquisition,” Massey said. “In fact, two of our executives on staff joined our company through acquisition, and several others serve in high management positions.”

Even with the company’s steady growth over the years, one thing hasn’t changed, its steadfast commitment to providing the best service possible. 

“Our mission has never been to be the largest pest company in the industry but, instead, to provide the best service possible,” he said. “That’s why, above all, we are committed to total customer satisfaction.”