NJPMA to Showcase 'Trump vs. Harris' Race in 21st Annual Cockroach Derby

As part of NJPMA’s Annual Clinic, Trade Show & Clambake (Aug. 15), the association will host a Madagascar hissing cockroach race featuring Donald Trump roach vs. Kamala Harris roach.

Courtesy of NJPMA

Courtesy of NJPMA

BRANCHBURG, N.J. – Decision 2024 with Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris is waged August 15 at Raritan Valley Community College at the New Jersey Pest Management Association’s (NJPMA) 21st running of the Cockroach Derby. Prior events during election years have proven to be 84 percent accurate in determining the presidency.

More than 600 professionals attend the “roach race” each year at NJPMA’s Annual Clinic, Trade Show & Clambake at Raritan Valley Community College in Branchburg, N.J. Next month’s clambake will be the 75th gathering of the state’s pest control community.

The Cockroach Derby is at 10 a.m. and will pit Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches against each other. The roach is selected because of its big size (about 2.5 inches long) and ability to respond to race stimuli. The hissing name is apt due to the signature sound made by drawing air into its body and then forcing it through ports on the sides of its body.

“This is a tremendous event that gives pest management professionals attending our annual seminars a light-hearted break,” said Leonard Douglen, NJPMA’s executive director. “It’s all about fun – we’ve had runaway victories and we’ve had controversies like when the Bush cockroach was disqualified against Clinton since it took flight during the race. The race draws media from all over and hopefully the trend will continue by helping to predict our next president!”

After the Cockroach Derby, industry experts will be presenting informational and training courses on various pest topics such as bed bugs, ants, mosquitoes, rodents, beetles, cockroaches, and termites. Other topics include business, health, safety, and management sessions.

Presenters include Dr. Bobby Corrigan, Dr. Changlu Wang, Dr. Fred Whitford, Dr. Stanton Cope, Dr. Chad Gore, Dr. Phil Koehler and many more.

Some of the session include Invasive Mosquito Species – What Does it Mean to Your Business? New Jersey Women in Pest Management, Small Flies Causing Big Problems, Termites – Understanding the Pest and Looking to the Future and Pesticide Safety.

There are expected to be at least 50 exhibitor booths manned by distributors and manufacturers, and CEU credits from the state of New Jersey (valid in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) will be available to licensed professionals.

To register, visit https://njpma.com/classes/clinic-trade-show-and-clambake. Vendors, all presentations, and lunch is included in the registration fee.