NPMA Reviewing Best Management Practices for Bed Bugs

The NPMA Bed Bug Division is working on version 2.0 of the BMPs. Members are encouraged to review the BMPs and let us know if they have any suggested edits, revisions or other changes.

FAIRFAX, Va. — Last winter, NPMA adopted the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Bed Bugs. These have been modified twice since last winter; once for canines and a second time to adjust the language relating to heat treatments.  When the BMPs were first adopted, we agreed that they would be reviewed and updated periodically as the industries knowledge about effective inspection and treatment strategies evolved.
The NPMA Bed Bug Division is working on version 2.0 of the BMPs.  Members are encouraged to review the BMPs and let us know if they have any suggested edits, revisions or other changes.
To make suggestions, e-mail Bob Rosenberg or Jim Fredericks by January 20, 2012.  A copy of the BMPs can be reviewed by clicking here.