OPC Holds Thanksgiving Food Drive

Employees collected and donated food traditionally eaten during a Thanksgiving meal, including turkeys.

Photo: OPC Pest Services

Photo: OPC Pest Services
LOUISVILLE, Ken. – With the help of OPC Pest Services employees and even some of their customers, were able to bless 20 families in the Bowling Green, Ken., area with a complete Thanksgiving meal. 
Local news station, WNKY, came and interviewed Kelsey Gallihugh, office manager of the Bowling Green branch, on the day they started accepting donations. That helped spread the word far and wide and the donations started to pour in. 
Each family received a 3-pound turkey breast, yams, cranberry sauce, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, mashed potatoes, cornbread mix, fried apples, stuffing and mac and cheese. So many extra items were collected that the OPC branch was able to donate the rest to Barren River Area Development District (BRADD) which is a program that specializes in providing help to elderly and underprivileged families in Warren County and surrounding areas. BRADD calls this branch when they have a client with a pest issue, and the branch works with them to get it under control so they can keep on doing their good work. They provided OPC with the list of the 20 families they knew were in need this year. In addition, the Lexington branch was able to help 10 additional families through a sister program just like BRADD.
Gallihugh said she organized the donations because “our branch was acquired by OPC in November of last year. I've always wanted to do something to give back to the community, so I thought this would be a great time to do it. I had a blast doing it. I’m so proud of our guys for getting into the spirit to deliver the meals. It was an awesome team effort, that's for sure!”
The Program Director at BRADD sent the following message to Gallihugh soon after the donations were delivered: "I wanted to thank you for all you have done for our seniors. This was the best project. Our clients and staff are so appreciative of what you all did. Thank You for the collection of the data and pictures that you provided!! You guys are totally awesome! Please send many “thank yous” to your staff from BRADD. All their contributions and hard work do pay off to assist our communities. We were able to make up about 15 more bags of canned goods to give out to other clients that we will be delivering before the holidays as well. Again, Thanks for all you all did!!! Anytime you want to partner up again we sure would try it!!! Thanks!!!!"