Tim Gafford Named President of Texas Pest Control Association

Gafford has been in the pest control industry for 34 years and is a Board Certified Urban and Industrial Entomologist.

Lubbock, Texas — Tim Gafford, president of Gafford Pest Control, Lubbock, was named the 2011 president of the Texas Pest Control Association during the group’s recent annual meeting in Houston.

Gafford has been in the pest control industry for 34 years and is a Board Certified Urban and Industrial Entomologist. TPCA represents more than 600 businesses in Texas and is the only statewide association that represents pest management professionals. The association’s main focus is on education and legislative issues.

Gafford was elected to office by the members of the association and has served on the Board of Directors. He has also served vice president and secretary/treasurer. He is active in the local chapter, the South Plains Pest Control Association.