PCT Awards Gift Cards to Bed Bug Survey Participants

Three PMPs were awarded $100 Visa gift cards via random selection for answering PCT survey questions on bed bugs, conducted by third-party firm Readex Research.

Ken Lang, owner of The Bug Guys, Mena, Ark. (left) and Brandon Klein, director of technical services at Pestban Pest Control, Talking Head, Ga.
Ken Lang, owner of The Bug Guys, Mena, Ark. (left) and Brandon Klein, director of technical services at Pestban Pest Control, Talking Head, Ga.
Courtesy of Ken Lang and Brandon Klein

CLEVELAND — Pest Control Technology (PCT) magazine announced three winners of $100 Visa gift cards for participating in PCT research conducted by third-party firm Readex Research. Results from these surveys were from PCT’s State of the Bed Bug Market report.

The following pest management professionals were each awarded a $100 gift card via random selection for completing the survey:

Klein started working in the pest control industry in 1998 as a seasonal worker in Michigan where he could attend school and work on the weekends. He said the industry lured him back a couple of years after graduating college.

“I have never made it rich, but it has always helped meet our needs,” he said. “In addition to that, the value of connecting with customers and providing a service they want has always been fulfilling for me.”

Klein said in his current role, he focuses on training and encouraging others in the industry to be successful.

Lang has lived and worked in a small community his whole life and started out in the pest control industry by working for one of the “major companies because it was a great job with benefits.”

In addition, Lang said, “you never know who you might meet.”