PCT Awards Gift Cards to Trio of Survey Respondents

Three PMPs were awarded $100 Visa gift cards via random selection for participating in PCT research conducted by third-party firm Readex Research.

A photo of a random drawing next to a headshot of William Ferguson.

William Ferguson

CLEVELAND - Pest Control Technology (PCT) magazine announced three winners of $100 Visa gift cards for participating in PCT research conducted by third-party firm Readex Research. Results from these surveys were included in PCT State of the Market reports on software and technology.

The following pest management professionals (PMPs) were each awarded a $100 gift card via random selection for completing the survey:

  • Brandan Petti, owner of Barrett Pest & Termite Services, Winchester, Va., for responding to the Software & Technology survey.
  • Tracy Sullivan, owner and operator of Critter Control, Carmel, Ind., for responding to the Software & Technology survey.
  • William Ferguson, owner of Ferguson Pest & Home, Hamlet, N.C., for responding to the Software & Technology survey.

Sullivan first entered the world of pest control while working for a wildlife company seasonally. During one of his off periods, Sullivan attended a pest control conference.

“Once I attended that I was hooked,” Sullivan said. “So, I started attending that, did a University of Kentucky Short Course and just started learning as much as I could. I went and got licensed in the state of Indiana to do pest control and I’ve been doing it ever since.”

When Ferguson was 18, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he started his pest control career. He said his favorite part of the job is installing moisture barriers and crawlspace work.

“It’s kind of instant gratification,” Ferguson said. “You can see how bad it looked to how nice it looks.”