Poll: Will You Hit Your 2022 Budget?

Our current question asks: How is 2022 looking as far as hitting your revenue budget?

2022 budget

istock | Krystsina Yakubovich

Our recent poll question asked: How did 2022 go in terms of hitting revenue budget?

More than two-thirds of our readers indicated they were likely to hit budget or be slightly or significantly over (see complete results below).

Stewart Lenner, CEO of Arrow Pest Control, Westfield, N.J., was among those who said 2022 was a good year, noting that he was up 9 percent in 2022. Lenner cited a strong residential market and growing segments tick/mosquito (growing at almost 35 percent annually) as growth drivers. This helped offset a down termite market, which he attributed to weather in New Jersey this year.

He is optimistic about 2022. "We are projecting 16-18% growth based on servicing a larger part of the state and termites rebounding," he said.

At Thorn Pest Services, Pleasant Grove, Utah, president Kevin Thorn said he expects to finish 2022 up 30 percent.

"Our fastest growing segments for Thorn in 2022 were ant services, German cockroach treatments, residential quarterly programs and commercial programs (monthly and twice a month," said Thorn, who added he is planning for similar growth in 2023, with "30 percent-plus growth year with 70 percent of that growth being recurring pest programs."

Participate in this week’s reader poll question. Is your company still offering cleaning/disinfecting services?


Here are the results from our recent poll:
How did 2022 go in terms of hitting revenue budget?

We were significantly over budget. 23%

We were slightly over budget. 23%

We were on budget. 23%

We were slightly under budget. 16%

We were significantly under budget. 15%

(Source PCT Reader Poll, December 2022)