Phil Pellitteri Inducted into WGIF Hall of Fame

The recently retired extension entomologist from UW-Madison, has been selected to receive the Wisconsin Green Industry Federation Hall of Fame Award for 2014.

                                                   Phil Pellitteri

MADISON, Wis. — In recognition of his extensive impact on the green industry, Phil Pellitteri has been selected to receive the WGIF Hall of Fame Award for 2014.  From students to educators, to professionals, homeowners, growers, arborists, and all others looking for clues about the millions of insects that affect us everyday, Pellitteri is the person to go to.  His expertise developed during his long career as an entomologist has been invaluable to people in all aspects of the green industry. 

Pellitteri , also known as “the bug guy”, was an extension entomologist with the Insect Diagnostic Lab in the Department of Entomology at UW-Madison since 1978, identifying thousands of insect samples every year. He connected with thousands more people annually, giving them his personal attention through visits, phone calls, and emails. Since 1980, Pellitteri has been a popular monthly guest on Larry Meiller’s call-in show on Wisconsin Public Radio. He has also given numerous lectures and workshops throughout the state on a variety of entomological topics, including Master Gardener training. He has taught in the UW-CALS Farm and Industry Short Course since 1982, and has authored over eighty Extension publications. Phil has received many awards in recognition for his contributions at local, state, and national levels. He touched all parts of the professional green industry including turf, greenhouses, nursery and Christmas tree growers, landscapers and arborists.

Pellitteri retired this year and a party was held recently in his honor to acknowledge his achievements and his influence on those who worked with him.  Over 100 people were there to see him receive this WGIF Hall of Fame award and all of the accolades he deserves for his decades of dedication.  Pellitteri will also be recognized at the Wisconsin Turfgrass Association's Field Day on July 29th and at the Commercial Flower Growers of Wisconsin Field Day on August 7th.