Pest Pro University: Pest Control Training with Field Expertise

The platform leverages in-depth interviews and real-world footage from industry experts, ensuring teams receive the most up-to-date pest control training available.

Pest Pro University, an online training platform, announced its launch for comprehensive pest control education. The platform is designed to equip pest control professionals with the latest knowledge and best practices directly from field experts, while revolutionizing the way companies train their technicians, office staff and management.

Pest Pro University offers a unique approach to training, focusing on the practical aspects of pest control. The organization believes in learning from those who have mastered their craft in the field. The platform leverages in-depth interviews and real-world footage from industry experts, ensuring that teams receives the most up-to-date, relevant pest control training available.

To learn more about Pest Pro University and how it can transform your pest control business, visit our website at