Rockwell Labs Introduces Eco Extend Spray Adjuvant

The product was specifically formulated for blending with botanical pesticides to enhance their performance.

Rockwell Labs Announces Eco Extend Spray Adjuvant
Eco Extend Spray Adjuvant
Courtesy of Rockwell Labs

Eco Extend Spray Adjuvant is a proprietary product from Rockwell Labs that was specifically formulated for blending with botanical pesticides to enhance their performance.

The Eco Extend adjuvant extends the residual protection of botanical pesticides by protecting the plant oil active ingredients from UV degradation. When Eco Extend is mixed with a botanical pesticide solution, it provides 31percent less UV degradation vs. if no adjuvant is used, and vs. only eight percent less UV degradation with a conventional NPE adjuvant.

Eco Extend Spray Adjuvant also enhances emulsification and the spreading and sticking properties of the spray. It has a low use rate of only 0.5 – 1 oz per gallon. Eco Extend is made with a 100 percent plant-based surfactant blend and is free of NPE, EP and 1,4 Dioxane. It is eco-friendly, biodegradable and may also be used with other water-based and/or water-diluted pesticides. It is available in a one gallon jug.

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