Virginia PMP Wins Visa Gift Card from PCT

Stacy Durfee, president of Virginia Beach-based ABC Pest Management, was randomly chosen to win the gift card after completing PCT/Readex Research survey about the termite market.

ABC Pest Management Logo
ABC Pest Management Logo

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – PCT announced Stacy Durfee as winner of a $100 Visa Gift Card for filling out the publication’s State of the Termite survey. She is president of Virginia Beach-based ABC Pest Management. The company provides termite, pest, and moisture control services to residential and commercial clients in Hampton Roads, Va.

Durfee was one of several pest management professionals who responded to a PCT/Readex Research survey about the termite market. Results from that survey appeared in the February State of the Termite Market report sponsored by BASF. That special report includes research findings and interviews with leading pest management professionals about trends in this important market segment.

Be sure to keep an eye out for future PCT magazine surveys for a chance to win more great prizes.