Turner Pest Control to Fumigate Historical Edison and Ford Winter Estates

The company will fumigate the historical Edison and Ford Winter Estates on Sept. 17, to protect them from termites.

edison home

FORT MYERS, Fla. -  In response to growing concerns over the preservation of historical buildings in Florida, Turner Pest Control announced plans to fumigate the esteemed Edison and Ford Winter Estates on Sept. 17. Turner, which has extensive experience with historical buildings, says it understands the importance of the structural integrity and protecting these valuable landmarks so that people may continue to enjoy them for generations to come.  

According to Wade Wilson, vice president of technical services and an associated certified entomologist at Turner Pest Control, "Tenting is the quickest, most efficient and effective way to mitigate the issue.  The product utilized will penetrate every piece of porous wood being treated and eliminate all the termites inside."