WASHINGTON – U.S. News & World Report, a global authority in rankings and consumer advice, on Jan. 11 announced its 2022 Best Jobs list, and for the first time in recent memory, the list includes “exterminator.” The magazine says the rankings offer a look at the best jobs across 17 categories to help job seekers at every level achieve their career goals. U.S. News says it takes into account the most important aspects of a job, including growth potential, work-life balance and salary.
“Exterminator” was listed in the category of “Best Maintenance and Repair Jobs.” The article says, “Workers in these occupations are vastly knowledgeable about their trade and are very skilled at what they do. They can get a car up and running again, rid a home of termites, or fix an MRI scanner.”
“We’re extremely pleased to see exterminator, or pest control technician, listed among the top ten best maintenance and repair jobs by U.S. News & World Report,” said Cindy Mannes, senior vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association. “Two years ago, a job in pest control still carried a negative connotation and was not considered a meaningful and rewarding career path. This ranking demonstrates the industry and our program is gaining momentum in shifting public perception and working seamlessly with our other marketing efforts at play.”
While nearly 4 in 10 jobs of the 100 Best Jobs are health care or health-care support roles, a technology job – information security analyst – captured the No. 1 spot this year.
The 2022 Best Jobs rankings offer job seekers detailed information on training and education requirements, median salary, and job satisfaction across diverse sectors, including social services, education, construction, and creative and media. For individuals interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering and math, also known as the STEM fields, U.S. News compiles the Best STEM Jobs. Best Jobs Without a College Degree and Highest Paying Jobs Without a Degree are also offered for those who did not attend or finish college.
To calculate Best Jobs, U.S. News draws data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to identify jobs with the greatest hiring demand. Jobs are then scored using seven component measures: 10-year growth volume, 10-year growth percentage, median salary, employment rate, future job prospects, stress level and work-life balance. For further details on how the rankings were calculated, see the methodology.
Read the entire list here: https://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/rankings.
Read the “Best Maintenance and Repair Jobs” list here: https://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/exterminator
NPMA’s Workforce Development Program Helping Grow Careers in Pest Control While the recent U.S. News & World Report doesn’t list “pest control technician” specifically, some of the job postings included in the article are from NPMA’s Workforce Development Program Zip Recruiter campaigns. Launched in 2019, NPMA’s Workforce Development Program is dedicated to promoting careers in professional pest control and encouraging potential job seekers to search for employment opportunities on its exclusive job board for NPMA member companies. The program’s objectives include: • Position NPMA as the advocate for prospective and current employees with a priority on attracting field technicians, among other roles. • Highlight pest control as a viable and desirable industry with many job opportunities and career paths. • Build a pipeline of qualified candidates to meet business demand. • Increase overall pride and professionalism in the industry and showcase the value of what pest management professionals do to protect people, food, and property from common pests and to improve overall quality of life. Learn more at www.npmaworkforce.org. |
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