U.S. Payrolls Grew by 150,000 in October, BLS Reports

The latest jobs report shows payrolls grew in October while unemployment held at 3.9 percent.

Image: istock | jlgutierrez

Image: istock | jlgutierrez
WASHINGTON - Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 150,000 in October, and the unemployment rate changed little at 3.9 percent,  the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.
Job gains occurred in health care, government, and social assistance. Employment declined in manufacturing due to strike activity. 
Both the unemployment rate, at 3.9 percent, and the number of unemployed persons, at 6.5 million, changed little in October. However, since their recent lows in April, these measures are up by 0.5 percentage point and 849,000, respectively. 
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (3.7 percent), adult women (3.3 percent), teenagers (13.2 percent), Whites (3.5 percent), Blacks (5.8 percent), Asians (3.1 percent), and Hispanics (4.8 percent) showed little change in October.