Versacor’s James Suits Retires After 42-Year Pest Control Career

Suits has been with Versacor Managed Pest Solutions since 2012 and has been instrumental in the company’s growth.

Diane and James Suits
Diane and James Suits.
Photo: Versacor
DALLAS -  Versacor Managed Pest Solutions announced that James Suits has retired  after a 42-year career in the pest industry. 
Suits enjoyed a successful career before joining Versacor in 2012.He started as a pest control technician in the 1980s before starting and operating his own successful company for nine years. He sold that company to Dallas Pest Control in 1992, and took a position there as an account executive. In 1997, Suits went to work for HomeTeam Pest Defense as general manager of various branches before returning to the Dallas area.  
According to Jason Eicher, president of Versacor Managed Pest Solutions, Versacor “was a fledgling company” at the time with small operations in Dallas-Fort Worth and San Antonio, Texas, and was getting ready to open the Houston market. Suits agreed to relocate to Houston as branch manager and the very first employee of that newly created branch.  He went to work hiring his first service specialist as he canvassed the city meeting with prospective clients.  
“James quickly built an outstanding branch, one client at a time, by doing what he always does- treats people fairly, has a genuine concern for his employees and clients, and so importantly, follows through on his commitments,” Eicher said. “At the time of his retirement, his branch is highly successful with about 20 employees and hundreds of prestigious clients. James built his operation with integrity and a passion for delivering exceptional results.”