Rockwell Labs Ltd introduces additions and changes to its InVade Bio products. All products in the InVade Bio range contain a premium blend of chemical-resistant Bacillus microbe spores designed to eat through scum where flies can breed. New InVade Bio Drain is a thickened formula designed especially for direct drain treatment. In addition to Bacillus microbe spores, the unique formula contains natural citrus oil for better, faster results. It is available in 1-gallon jugs and 1-quart bottles. Newly reformulated InVade Bio Cleaner contains microbes, citrus oil and other cleaning agents in a stand-alone product for mopping and surface cleaning. InVade Bio Cleaner is available in 1-gallon jugs and 5-gallon buckets. New InVade Bio Remediation is a super-concentrated formula of premium waste-digesting Bacillus spores, ideal for grease trap maintenance and other bio-remediation applications where pure microbes without additional chemicals is most desirable. It is available in 1-pint bottles and larger sizes by special order. Rockwell’s InVade Bio Foam contains premium microbe spores, foaming agent and cleaners in a 1-pint bottle that makes 16 quarts of foaming solution. Ideal for foaming cracks, crevices and drains, InVade Bio Foam is the most effective product to eliminate small fly problems in commercial accounts. All InVade Bio products are classified as cleaning agents and are not EPA-registered.