Samantha Malone on Growing Confidence, Building Relationships Through ELP

The National Pest Management Association honored 13 graduates of the Executive Leadership Program (ELP) Class of 2023 at Legislative Day in Washington D.C. PCT interviewed Samantha Malone, president, Olympia Pest Management, Tumwater, Wash., on how ELP has helped grow her network and developed her confidence as a leader in pest control.

Preemption Discussions to Take Center Stage at Legislative Day

Once again, the main purpose of Capitol Hill visits in March will be to push Congress to codify the role of state lead agencies as co-regulators of pesticides alongside the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Rodenticides at the Crossroads as PCOs Head to Capitol Hill

In November 2024, EPA released the final Biological Evaluation (BE) for rodenticides – the latest development in EPA’s reregistration of rodenticides.

How Might the 2024 Elections Impact PCOs?

The election of Donald Trump as president means that the GOP now controls the White House, the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. How might this impact PCOs?

MSPCA Appoints Barton as 2025 State Policy Affairs Representative (SPAR)

The Maryland State Pest Control Association (MSPCA) announced the appointment of Charles Barton, American Pest, as the 2025 State Policy Affairs Representative (SPAR).

PMPs Share Opinions on Industry Regulations

No matter who you ask, one answer remains the same: regulations affect your business daily.

Envu Expands Strategic Partnership with the National Pest Management Association

Envu, a provider of professional and specialty solutions, will serve as NPMA's Premier Sponsor of Legislative Day and the exclusive sponsor of the association's PestVets program.

Registration Opens for NPMA Legislative Day 2025

NPMA Legislative Day, taking place March 9 – 11, in Washington, DC, gives industry professionals the opportunity to advocate directly with Congressional representatives on critical issues affecting the pest management industry.

RISE, CropLife America Members Gather in San Diego for Annual Meeting

RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment) members and guests, with CropLife America partners, gathered to discuss advocacy and engagement, the upcoming election year, and disruption in the changing landscape of business and the workplace.