CPG Provides Buying Options
Spring 2001 has proven to be another busy period for pest management professionals. To keep you informed of the most unique and innovative pest control products from leading manufacturers, PCT Magazine offers the May 2001 Commercial Product Guide (CPG). Many manufacturers have included in their product review a phone number and Web site at which they can be contacted. Otherwise, simply circle the numbers of the products and/or services you would like more information about on the reader service card and send it to PCT. Be sure to check out this same informative guide at PCT’s Web site, www.pctonline.com. The online version of the CPG will feature links to manufacturers’ Internet sites. Manufacturers: for more information on how your products and/or services can be featured in the next Commercial Product Guide, please contact Michael Kelly at 757/425-5040.
Add-On Air Freshener Service Boosts Profits
Watch your profits soar with air freshener dispensers and monthly refills from Air-Scent® International. Restaurants, taverns, hospitals and nursing homes — all of your commercial customers — are prospects for fan air freshener service. Air Scent® Dutymaster™ fan freshener dispensers sell themselves and are easy to install and maintain. Powerfully effective Air-Scent® 30-day refills last all month, so no special routing is required. Private labeling provides free advertising and increased exposure. Visit www.airscent.com and browse the company’s electronic catalog right from your computer.
Effective Termite Control With Low-Dose Rates
Termidor, featuring the active ingredient fipronil, is the first of an entirely new family of insecticides from Aventis Environmental Science. Exhibiting 100% control of termites in three months or less for five full years, as well as a unique mode of action, Termidor distinguishes itself from all other classes of commercially available insecticides, according to Aventis. Termidor also offers high levels of insecticidal activity and excellent residual control at extremely low-dose rates. Working by both contact and ingestion, and with its non-repellent characteristics, Termidor allows termites to continue their normal routine even though they may have already passed through the treatment zone. The termites remain vital long enough to transfer the insecticide to other termites in the colony before dying. For more information contact your Aventis Environmental Science representative or call 1-877-TERMIDOR.
B&G Equipment Co. Launches New Wall Sconce Light Trap
B&G Equipment Company’s Flying V utilizes a variety of unique and different features to provide a powerful and versatile design. The Flying V comes standard with three covers to match the decor of a room. All three sides of the Flying V feature 22-watt bulbs, producing an output that is higher than competitive wall sconces, B&G says. The direction of the light from the Flying V comes out of the bottom two sides of the trap instead of only the top. This projects light to heights of 3 to 5 feet — where flies are known to travel — instead of only projecting light upward at 6 feet and higher. To add to the Flying V’s effectiveness, a special chamber can house either the B&G Wet Tab or Z-9 Sex Pad for additional odor attractions. Two different stored product pest pheromones can be housed in a hidden compartment so that the UV light does not decay such synthetic attractants too rapidly.
B&G Offers New 100-Watt Glue Light Trap
B&G Equipment Company’s Matrix is a 100-watt trap (four 25-watt bulbs) that the company developed based on its studies showing maximum light output is one of the most important factors of a good light trap. The protective grill (designed to protect the bulbs) is another factor that B&G tested extensively. The "light grill" that is included with each trap has been proven by B&G to have no measurable negative effects on the trapping rate of the Matrix. An optional "heavy grill" is available for additional protection with the least amount of interference of fly entry into the Matrix. The Matrix has the ability to be mounted in numerous ways including: flush on the wall, resting on a shelf, hanging from the ceiling, or mounted with its side to a wall (for maximum light onto the wall). The Matrix is also designed to allow light onto the wall out of the top of the trap in order to maximize the use of light output for even better fly attraction.
Bird Spikes Offer Wide Coverage Area
Bird Spike 2001,™ a rigid one-piece, stainless steel bird spike from Bird-B-Gone, prevents birds from landing and roosting. Bird Spike 2001 is an affordable, long-term bird control method, the company says. The product offers the widest coverage among steel spike systems with a low cost and it is available in a variety of sizes. Bird Spike 2001 is 8 inches, but is also available in 3- and 5-inch widths for narrower applications. All styles come in 2-foot sections for easy installation. The product’s patent-pending design provides strength and stability and it will not rust or deteriorate under extreme conditions. Bird Spike 2001 can also be bent up to 360 degrees without breaking. For more information and samples visit www.birdbgone.com or call 800/392-6915.
Gel Bait Provides Fast, Effective Cockroach Control
Bayer Corporation has introduced PRE-EMPT™ Professional Cockroach Gel Bait, putting the same fast-acting, long-lasting pest control power of PREMISE® Insecticide into a clean, white gel bait. With PRE-EMPT, cockroaches begin feeding immediately so customers can see a difference virtually overnight. Peak control is achieved in six to 60 days, depending on infestation level. The inconspicuous caulk-white color and advanced formulation stays palatable to cockroaches longer than competitive gels, so roaches keep feeding and dying, making PRE-EMPT an ideal choice for residential, food service or institutional applications, according to Bayer. PRE-EMPT is completely odor-free and won’t run, even under exposure of temperatures up to 130°F.
Get Noticed And Increase Revenues With Rhino Beetles
Do you want to distinguish your company’s trucks from the competition? Attract the essential attention your company deserves! RHINO BEETLES from Bell Pest Control will increase exposure and name recognition. Children will point the RHINO BEETLES out to their parents, and parents will point them out to their children. Call now and increase sales, name recognition, and produce extraordinary results. Get your name remembered and be the talk of the town. Make your trucks and the RHINO BEETLES your best assets. Increase your company’s revenues with the RHINO BEETLES.
For more information call Bell Pest Control at 916/685-6771 or visit WWW.BELLPEST.COM. E-mail your questions to SALES@BELLPEST.COM.
GooseChase Repels Geese And Ducks
GooseChase from Bird-X Inc., is a safe, food-grade taste aversion agent to prevent Canada Geese and other waterfowl from damaging grass and other landscaped property. Made from a bitter, malodorous part of concord grapes (active ingredient methyl anthranilate), GooseChase renders treated areas inedible for waterfowl. Because they cannot habituate to the taste, the geese leave for better food sources. GooseChase is environmentally safe, non-lethal, biodegradable and an FDA "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) compound. One gallon of concentrate (for each acre) is diluted, sprayed onto dry grass and then reapplied every 7 to 14 days after mowing. For more information call 800/662-5021 or visit www.bird-x.com.
Versatile Applicator Delivers Accuracy
The PEPGUN, a product from Cooper-T Products, is a lightweight, easy-to-use applicator that combines electrical and bulb-dusting techniques into one exterminating tool. The PEPGUN cuts costs by reducing project time and dust waste through accurate, multiple power settings. These settings allow the pest management professional to apply the pesticide in a small shot (quarter size) or in a full fogging effect. These settings have been designed to maximize the applicator’s usage of dust-based pesticides and control the location and amount he or she is using. The PEPGUN gives you all the control you have ever wanted. For more information call 716/549-5730 or visit www.cooper-t.com.
Max Kill Vapo-Cide Kills A Wide Array Of Pests
Max Kill Vapo-Cide® from Douglas Products & Packaging is a quick and cost-effective solution for the management of stored-product insects. Max Kill Vapo-Cide is a space spray and contact spray that may also be used for fogging. It has been specially designed for use in the control of stored-product insects infesting facilities that contain nonperishable, packaged or bagged raw or processed food commodities. The product controls the exposed stages and prevents the migration of most species of stored insects. In addition, Max Kill is effective in controlling ants, cockroaches, silverfish and a number of flying insects. The product is available in 2½-gallon containers, 5-gallon metal pails and 55-gallon plastic drums.
Effective, Attractive Flytrap From Gilbert Industries
The new Gilbert® 2000GT Flying Venus™ flytrap from Gilbert Industries combines beautiful design with industry-leading effectiveness, creating a powerful tool for pest management professionals. The thin 2 ¾-inch design hugs the wall beautifully, creating an elegant ambiance, while secretly providing 24-hour, non-stop, silent capture of filthy disease-carrying flies. It goes unrecognized in elegant dining rooms, luxurious hotels and hospital hallways. The 2000GT Flying Venus flytrap comes in four beautiful finishes. It is EPA-registered, UL listed and meets FDA, USDA and Canadian standards. For more information call 800/643-0400 or visit www.gilbertinc.com.
Easy To Use Hand-Held Dust Applicator
The PowerPuff Dust Applicator from Gremar Inc. is a lightweight (1¾ pounds), hand-held, battery-powered dust applicator specially designed for the pest control industry. According to Gremar, the PowerPuff makes dusting easier and more efficient for pest management professionals. The PowerPuff is powered from a 12-volt battery that can be charged without being removed from the duster. It comes with both a 110-volt and 12-volt charger so it can be charged en route to an account. The PowerPuff comes with three different sized tips to be used for cracks and crevices, wall voids, block walls, etc. It also comes with a 9-inch extension that increases the electrostatic charge of the dust. It has a safety switch that prevents accidental discharge, a clear-view canister that allows for continuous monitoring of the dust level and it comes with a plastic carrying case. The PowerPuff is available from most pest control product distributors. For more information visit www.gremarinc.com.
Kwik Katch Multiple Catch Mousetrap
Designed with the pest control operator in mind, Kwik Katch from Gremar Inc. is a user-friendly, low-profile, multiple-catch trap that offers unique features of real benefit to the busy PCO. Kwik Katch has been thoroughly tested and proven in the field to be easier and more effective to use. Some major advantages of the Kwik Katch are its high-impact styrene construction, compact size, anti-backspin mechanism, slip clutch crank and elevated base. The Kwik Katch comes standard with a clear-view locking lid. It won’t rust or corrode and is easy to clean. Because of these features, the popularity of the Kwik Katch continues to grow among PCOs and consumers alike, according to the manufacturer. For more information visit www.gremarinc.com.
ExoRoach Keeps A Lid On Cockroaches
ExoRoach® Trap from Exosect is an environmentally friendly cockroach monitoring system. Roaches are attracted by scent and explore the inner trap surface, collecting charged powder particles on their feet and falling into the retaining mechanism in the trap base. Its features include: uses patented electrostatic powder technology (it has no known toxic properties); durable plastic casing with lid secured by catches; can be used in hotels, restaurants, kitchens and on board ships; will catch and retain several hundred cockroaches; no toxins or electrical grids; easy to service — it has a replaceable base plate with retaining glue and bridge plate with electrostatic powder (it lasts 2 to 3 months); food-based attractant (replaceable) that is effective against all species of cockroaches; reduces/eliminates the need for sprays; no unpleasant odors. For more information visit the company’s Web site at: www.exosectuk.com, contact John Chandler at +44 (0)23 8076 3838, or via e-mail john.chandler@exosectuk.com.
ExoFly Boxes Up Flies In Livestock Enclosures
ExoFly® AH from Exosect keeps fly populations at a low level and gives pest management professionals greater flexibility in deciding the number of blanket pesticide sprays necessary for adequate control. The product is especially valuable where pesticide resistance to sprays and scatter baits is encountered. ExoFly® combines pheromone and visual lures with a retaining system that exploits the behavior of flies and a patented dry powder insect retaining mechanism. Its features include: a novel biodegradable retaining system; safe, hygienic and pesticide free; no toxins, no electrical grids, and no chemicals; it retains 7,000 houseflies; no power supply required; it meets "organic farming" criteria; it gives greater flexibility in spray decisions; and it protects biological control agents (predatory beetles, etc.). For more information visit the company’s Web site at: www.exosectuk.com, contact John Chandler at +44 (0)23 8076 3838, or e-mail john.chandler@exosectuk.com.
LIPHATECH Introduces New Insect Monitor
The Aegis Insect Monitor works with commonly available food and pheromone insect lures and can be mounted on the wall to accurately monitor flying insects. Made of heavy-duty polypropylene, the Aegis Insect Monitor features a clear lid for at-a-glance inspection and reduced service time. The lid opens easily for quick replacement of glue boards, service cards and insect lures. The insect monitor also can be placed on the floor to detect ants, cockroaches and other crawling insects. When positioned on the floor, the Aegis Insect Monitor can be used independently or in conjunction with the Aegis Mouse Bait Station. Designed to friction-fit beneath the mouse bait station, the insect monitor enables pest management professionals to detect insects and control mice simultaneously. For more information on the Aegis Insect Monitor, a LIPHATECH brand, call 800/558-1003, or visit www.liphatech.com.
Use MarketForce Direct And Say Hello To Your New Sales Force
The MarketForce Direct program’s exciting concepts have made hundreds of thousands of sales across America for pest control operators. In fact, it is being used by some of the best known names in the industry. Working in concert with your branch, Market-Force Direct provides seasonal sales teams of highly motivated energetic young men and women. Through extensive training and practical field experience, their sales teams understand, and know how to respond to, the unique requirements of the pest control business. Your company can be represented in the polished, professional manner you’ve always wanted. And best of all, you only pay for the results. For more information call 800/995-0796, ext. 3111 or visit www.marketforcedirect.com.
Get Control With NEBS Forms
NEBS specialized pest control forms give PCOs a professional image and helps them get through paperwork quicker. The company’s pest control forms are designed to meet regulatory requirements so PCOs can, too. PCOs can sample the company’s bestsellers in the value-priced Pest Control Starter Kit, which includes:
- 100 Pest Control Service Reports
- 100 Pest Control Service Agreements
- 250 Pest Control Service Orders/Invoices
- 250 Doorknob Hangers
- 125 Yellow Call/Service Labels
The Starter Kit is $97.50 and includes free personalization and free NEBS Business Design. Orders can placed using code 61839 at 800/225-6380 or at www.nebs.com. The forms come with a 100% money-back guarantee.
Route Rite Legend: A Pest Control Software Solution
"Route Rite"® Legend desktop routing and accounting software from Performance Software Technologies Inc. is the fourth generation of the "Route Rite"® line of software. This 32-bit visual basic dynamo sports an access database and a powerful sequel database for high volume users. Legend has the same historic depth of totally integrated features including: customer history, geographic routing and scheduling, accounts receivable, barcode posting, inventory, inspections, vehicle maintenance, branch links, links to Quick Books and Peacthree General Ledger and interface to "PenWriter"™ hand-held software. Multiple branches with multiple profit centers electronically link over the Internet or DSL connect. The software can print low-cost, bar-coded return mailer forms to blank paper and it interfaces to Word, Excel and online maps. For more information go to www.pst.com or call 800/788-0788, option 3.
Nemesis Ultima Delivers Non-exploding Fly Control
The Nemesis Ultima range of electronic fly control units from PestWest Electronics will be available in July 2001. The units offer professional and technologically advanced fly control with unique design for tool-free maintenance and servicing. The transformer used to power the killing grid overcomes many of the problems found with alternative fly "killers" and ensures significant reduction in shattering of insects, plus the catch-tray with draft defector keeps insect bodies inside the unit. Nemesis Ultima units are supplied with shatterproof Quantum BL ultraviolet bulbs, 40% more powerful and 100% more effective than normal UV bulbs, the manufacturer says. The units’ patented "Grid-on" warning light and "Power-on" indicator light allows safe inspection from ground level and a special lift up and spring-loaded killing grid for easy servicing. For more information call 800/843-6334 or 1-866-IPM-PEST.
Rockwell Labs Offers Multiple IPM Solutions
Tamper-resistant D-Sect System from Rockwell Laboratories is a cost-effective, versatile IPM solution. Insert trays can be placed in the D-Sect for multiple bait forms for ants, roaches and other insects. For pantry beetles, Rockwell’s new InVite Multi-Lure Oil, containing pheromones for cigarette, flour and warehouse beetles, can be placed in the insert tray for professional and economical trapping. The D-Sect Station with the D-Sect Custom Glue-board inside will not get dirty, wet, smashed or lost, or look unprofessional. Place the D-Sect on walls out of the way of floor cleaning or slide it under appliances and other tight areas. For fruit and drain flies, place the D-Sect upside down under counters and bars where sanitation is a problem. If Indian meal or other moths are a problem, place Rockwell’s new InVite Multi-Moth Lure on the glue and hang or wall mount for economical, discreet and professional trapping.
Demand CS Provides Advanced Perimeter Protection
Demand CS from Syngenta is a broad-spectrum insecticide that controls major pests such as ants, ticks, cluster flies, mosquitoes and more. It is an advanced generation pyrethroid with a capsule suspension formulation, making it particularly well suited for perimeter treatments. Demand CS has broad labeling, giving it many structural uses and it can also be used on lawns, turfs and ornamentals. The product features fast knockdown and extended residual. Low use rates and microencapsulated formulation ensures minimal exposure to the environment, the applicator and customers. It has no odor, does not stain and can be used in food-handling facilities. Demand CS also provides add-on service solutions. To learn more about Demand CS call 800/395-8873 for your local Syngenta sales representative.
Lure Rodents With Food Bait From Trapper Jack’s
Trapper Jack’s Professional Macadamia Nut Lure is a safe, effective, economical and easy-to-use product formulated for professional baiting of rodents, skunks, opossums, squirrels and gophers. Prepared from natural food products such as macadamia nuts, molasses, cereal grains, peanuts, sugar and egg, it is formulated to remain pliable and aromatic at room temperatures from below freezing to above 150°F. The lure contains no pesticides or poisons and can be used in food processing plants, homes, hospitals and areas where the use of pesticides is limited.
Cockroach Control For Commercial Kitchens
Orthene® PCO Pellets from Valent Professional Products provides reliable control of cockroaches (including resistant German cockroaches), ants, crickets and other structural pests. Available in a convenient 97 percent pellet formulation, Orthene delivers application flexibility for restaurants and other structures, with immediate results and residual control up to 12 weeks. Orthene PCO Pellets have a high level of activity on stainless steel, tile, glass and porcelain. And Orthene is water soluble, not oil soluble — an important feature in commercial kitchens and other areas where there are grease or oil deposits. For more information on Orthene or Valent Professional Products, call 1-800-89-VALENT (800/898-2536) or visit www.valentpro.com.
PCT’s Family of Products and Opportunities . . . The Magazine Is Just The Beginning
The PCT Commercial Product Guide is just one of many important opportunities that the PCT Media Group has to offer the ever-changing business of pest control. In addition to Pest Control Technology (PCT) and Service Technician magazines, the PCT Media Group offers an entire lineup of communications services — from the Internet and conferences to book publishing and research services.
PEST CONTROL TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE. During the course of its 29-year history, PCT has established itself as the most reliable source of business management and technical information for the PCO. In addition to dominant coverage of the North American market, PCT delivers substantial coverage of other major and developing pest control markets worldwide.
SERVICE TECHNICIAN MAGAZINE. When service personnel in the structural pest control industry are looking for information on how to enhance service quality and build a stronger industry, they turn to one magazine — Service Technician. Written exclusively for frontline professionals, Service Technician magazine offers practical, hands-on information on all facets of structural pest control, as well as tips for improving customer service, sales efforts and overall business knowledge.
PCT ONLINE. Get the news you need as it happens on PCT Magazine’s Web site — www.pctonline.com. In addition to daily, breaking news stories, the pest control industry’s leading Web site provides PCOs with:
- E- Newsletter for news delivered directly to your e-mail.
- Daily pest control features.
- Online marketplace and career services.
- Bulletin boards for sharing control tips and tricks.
- "Tools of the Trade" product section.
PCT TECHNICIAN’S HANDBOOK — 3rd EDITION. PCT’s Technician Handbook has been completely revised and updated to contain the latest information on the biology and control of the most commonly encountered structural pests. The book is authored by Dr. Richard Kramer, former NPMA technical director. To order, contact Lori Skala at 800/456-0707.

Explore the May 2001 Issue
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