Telling Your Story with Videos

Video has rapidly become the tool of choice for marketers and it’s not limited to high-profile consumer brands. It can work for pest management professionals, says Jeff King of The Pest Rangers, Hanover, Pa.

Editor's note: NPMA's Technology Summit, held earlier this month in Atlanta, gave PMPs insights into which technology solutions are right for their businesses. One of the presenters was  Jeff King of The Pest Rangers in Hanover, Pa., who share his insights into the use of video. Check out video King and his team have created at

Video has rapidly become the tool of choice for marketers and it’s not limited to high profile consumer brands. It can work for pest management professionals. Just ask Jeff King of The Pest Rangers in Hanover, Pa.

“Video is storytelling and can be done in a short time period and with emotion that engages customers,” said King.

King has invested a solid portion of his marketing budget on video because it fits into consumers’ habits and allows his company to share the customer journey and make complex pest issues simple. It also is driving new revenue.

“A video on how to set a mouse trap may sound like nothing but how-to videos resonate with customers and can influence their buying decisions,” said King. “They better understand the value of our services and how we deliver them.”

King embeds the videos on his website and deploys them on Pest Rangers’ social media platforms including LinkedIn and Facebook where they can be shared virally and expand the impact. He reminded attendees to stick to three rules when creating videos:

• Make them snack sized
• Make them memorable

• Make them measurable

“Using video can raise your SEO ranking and increase website traffic,” said King, who cited a Google statistic that 80 percent of website visitors will spend more dwell time if there are videos to watch. “Customers will stop to watch a video. They should be the buyer’s guide to your company.”