Cascade Uses Reality TV Approach to Videos

Cascade Pest Control of greater Seattle has taken a new tact in website pest control video content using a 'moving camera action' and a personality who gives it a "Reality TV" feel.

RICHMOND, Va. —Cascade Pest Control of greater Seattle has taken a new tact in website pest control video content using a 'moving camera action' and a personality who gives it a "Reality TV feel." Reminiscent of Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs or Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter), Cascade has Scott Bouwens - an inventor who's developed a unique camera system (not GoPro) and who presents as an engaging personality to entertain and surprise viewers with fun expression as well as the seriousness of pests.

The first video series (presently uncut) is on Rodents, a pest issue that continues year around. We took one house and use it to demonstrate how many places rats might infest. The video covers rodent attractants, rat access to homes, rat signs and nesting. Rats cause considerable damage to homes as well as carry disease so getting the right information across is all important.

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